jueves, 4 de agosto de 2011

Three-dimensionalize me

Last week i've been jacking around with Xara 3D software which allows you to make 3D text. Some free supercool fonts from dafont.com mixed with some Photoshop work and... voilá!

This is one for my a.k.a. Geluchi.

This last one is for my friend Rabie whose a.k.a. Ba3ksy maybe rings a bell with the famous artist Banksy. But this has nothing to do with him. It just means "stubborn" in arabic. My friend explains that "3" is for a letter in arabic alphabet that doesn't exists in ours, as they use "7" and "9" as well. Way cool to know.

domingo, 19 de junio de 2011

Lil' heroes

And I can remember,
standing by the wall,

and the guns shot above our heads,
and we kissed as though nothing could fall.
And the shame was on the other side.
We can beat them forever and ever.

We can be heroes, just for one day.

sábado, 18 de junio de 2011


Hace unos días, Valve Software lanzó un concurso en el que se pretendía que los participantes hicieran un video con la canción 'Exile Vilify' de la BSO de Portal 2. Escuché la canción y creo que no le pega demasiado al footage de Portal, así que hice lo mismo pero con otro juegazo: 'Battlefield 3'.

El parecido con la realidad en los gráficos de este juego es apabullante. Tanto, que hasta cierta parte del video me recuerda a aquellas imágenes que vimos con el asunto aquel de Collateral Murder y que ya comenté en la entrada sobre WikiRebels.

domingo, 5 de junio de 2011

Moon in Water

The phenomena moon in the water is likened to human experience.
The water is the subject and the moon the object.
When there is no water, there is no moon in the water,
and likewise there is no moon.

But when the moon rises, the water does not wait to receive its image.
And when even the tiniest drop of water is poured out
The moon does not wait to cast its reflexion.

Past is already past.
The future is not yet here.
Things are constantly changing.

The event is caused as much by the water as by the moon.
And as water manifests the brightness of the moon,
the moon manifests the clarity of the water.

Underworld - Moon in Water

lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011

People are awesome. Period

Among the darkness, there's so much light. You just have to look at it with proper eyes.

martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

Aperture Science signs

He aquí algunos de los mejores carteles que los laboratorios Aperture han elaborado para ir guiando a todos aquellos que se presenten voluntariamente como sujetos de sus experimentos. ¿Quieres conseguir 60 pavos?

jueves, 14 de abril de 2011


Era necesario hacer un videoclip para este temazo.

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011


<< La puerta cristalera se abrió y mamá salió al bacón con un zapato en la mano.

-Hola chicos -saludó, limpiando la suela con un paño húmedo-. Desde luego, este edificio es un desastre. En la entrada acabo de pisar un sándwich a medio comer, nada menos.

Me volví para que mamá no viera mi cara y reparé en que el helicóptero de papá, en la distancia, segaba la copa de un árbol, empezaba a arder, caía en espiral y acababa estrellándose contra la gravilla del pipicán, dándole un susto de muerte a un enorme dálmata.

Papá arrojó el mando al suelo, se dejó caer boca abajo y empezó a aporrear la hierba con los puños. >>

Estos son los libros que me gustan.

martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

God's Debris


-What about the afterlife? Are all the benefits here and now or is there something later? -I asked-.

-Over time, everything that is possible happens. That is a fundamental quality of probability. If you flip a coin often enough, eventually it will come up heads a thousand times in a row. And everything possible will happen over and over as long as God’s debris exists. The clump of debris that comprises your body and mind will break down and disintegrate someday, but a version of you will reappear in the future, by chance.

-Are you saying I’ll reincarnate?

-Not exactly. I’m saying a replica of your mind and body will exist in the distant future, by chance. And the things you do now can either make life more pleasant or more difficult for your replica.

-Why would I care about a replica of me? That’s a different guy.

-That distinction is an illusion. In your current life, every cell in your body has died and been replaced many times. There is nothing in your current body that you were born with. You have no original equipment, just replacement parts, so for all practical purposes, you are already a replica of a prior version of you.

-Yes, but my memories stay with me. The replica of me in the distant future will have none of the memories and feelings that comprise my life, -I said-.

-There will be many replicas of you in the future, not just one. Some will have lives similar to yours, with similar memories and feelings. The replicas will be different from you only in concept, not in practical terms.


domingo, 20 de marzo de 2011

Las verdades en Helvética son más verdades

Para alguien que yo me sé... Ya sé que la mayoría no están en Helvética, pero es el rollo: foto guay. Una frase en Helvética encima.

miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011

Trains and cars

The point is not how many trains have straight past. It's how many of those you tried to stop and get, and which ones, at least, slowed down at your stop, but then it turned out they were filled up so you couldn't catch them.

Algo parecido pasa con los coches. Los accidentes en cadena. El primero frena para salvar algo. El de atrás choca, y así sucesivamente. A veces asusta lo larga que es la cadena, y cómo no puedes no sentirte hipócrita si lloras porque te has chocado tú, cuando detrás de ti hay más en la misma situación.